
hint hint

I deactivated my Face book account today.

The code words I needed to type in to confirm deactivation were:

enticing place

Ironic much?


  1. very ironic. Wonder if they planned that? I deactivated mine, too, a while back. But then reactivated it. It's not quite as cool as I used to think it was.

  2. Facebook is not my favorite thing. I just don't care what you made for dinner. BUT, it has been nice to see what old friends have been up to.

  3. I shall miss you. Good thing you have this blog! :-)

  4. That's very ironic. FB was my first social media site. Everyone I know is on it. But I do have to filter out some who post every 23 minutes.

  5. So, if you reactivate it later, do you have all the same friends and stuff, or do you have to start all over from scratch? I've thought about taking a "time out" from social networking before, (mostly because I'm too busy during the school year, as it turns out) but I didn't want to have to start all over. I don't get on it much, and as you know hardly post anything...but it's kinda nice knowing that it's there.
    Glad I can stalk you through so many other mediums, though!

  6. Nice. Although I will miss you. :)

  7. Oh no I'll miss your status updates :( Guess I am going to have to get better about reading blogs then huh. I totally understand why you would want to though, I am ALWAYS behind & feel like it bogs me down.

  8. I used to use facebook a lot! Then I discovered Blogging. This is so much better for me. I do keep a facebook account, but don't feel obligated to check it as much. I post a thought of the day on it during the week, so I do know if there is something crazy going on. I finally gave in and got one because all my grown kids use facebook. I am pretty selective about my friends though, and I have never gotten into "tweeting". Thank goodness for small miracles. All in all, I think it is an individual choice. I survived 50 years without it, I could do that again.

  9. quite ironic in that I nearly tried to find you on FB today to ask how you got the thing out of your ?son's? ear. The Hulk stuck a bead in his ear and I remembered that the same thing had happened to you. Couldn't find it on your blog (do you have a search thing?). It's probably on your private blog, anyway....

    Anyway. I looked you up for a second on FB, then just decided to do what I could with a toothpick.

    I got it out. :o)

  10. I had a brain lapse today and thought I'd offended someone on Facebook. Luckily, it was just your deactivation giving me a complex. Holy crap, update your blog! P.S. I put like a bazillion new posts on mine today.
