
Three for Thursday: It's Only Goodbye for a Little While

3 for TH was going to be over at Sarah's this week, but the poor girl has had a seriously traumatic week. Her grandmother passed away and her brother in law is experiencing some major medical misfortunes. Keep her and her family in your prayers, would you?

Katy is busy celebrating her hunka hunka burnin' love on his birthday today. Happy Birthday Eric!

And me... Well I am just plain burned out. My husband is out of town...AGAIN and I am hanging on for dear life much less than hanging by any silver linings. Being out of town for six weeks out of a seven week time period is NOT okay.

Methinks I am going to take some pressure off myself and take a break from 3 for TH until the fall. Sarah? Katy? You with me on this one?

Until then...here's one last parting 3 for TH for any of you die-hards out there. No prize this week, but the prize of joining in. I apologize for being such a pathetic and fickle blogger these days. It's the nature of the married single parenting game.

Three excuses:
1. My husband is out of town...AGAIN.
2. It's the nature of the married single parenting game.
3. The fridge was empty and the sink was full. Out to dinner we go.

Three favorite children’s books:
1. Stuart Little
2. Anything by Sandra Boynton
3. The Indian and the Cupboard

Three decorating styles I like:
1. Shabby chic. It's so doable. If I mess up on a project, I just distress it some more and call it "messy on purpose".
2. Taking inspiration from nature: neutral tones, blue tones, wood and rock accents
3. My decorating style: eclectic, antiquated, recycled.

Three things I do differently than my mother did:
1. Make a meat dish at almost every meal.
2. Do not keep my house meticulously clean.
3. Had four children instead of five.

Three things I’m waiting for:
1. A paycheck in the mail
2. Our big family camp out
3. Joe's long awaited return

Three things I want to be when I grow up:
1. A waitress at a mom and pop diner.
2. A better and sought after writer.
3. Skinny.

Three things I do because they’re good for me and NOT because I like doing them:
1. Not drink pop.
2. Go to bed before midnight.
3. Pay bills.

Three things I appreciate about my middle child or middle sibling: (My middle sibling Dan is having a birthday today so I'll go with middle sibling. Plus I have two middle children...Too confusing.)
1. Works for the government protecting our country from bad guys.
2. Married a nice girl and gave my kids four cousins to play with.
3. If I ever need a place to stay in Puerto Rico, he'll gladly let me use his floor for my air mattress.

Three truths about me:
1. I am the oldest of five children.
2. I am 5'10" and the shortest out of those five children.
3. I may be the oldest, but I'm also the biggest baby out of all those five children.

Three pictures:
Elle's birthday cake. She turned three on the 7th. It's not a cruel implication. She really does like rocks.

The birthday girl as the rest of us ate dinner and got ready to cut up cake. We could NOT wake her up. All partied out.

Joe and I celebrated our 8th wedding anniversary on Monday. I love you Joe!


3 for TH Prompt {13 July 2011}

Three excuses:
Three favorite children’s books:
Three decorating styles I like:
Three things I do differently than my mother:
Three things I’m waiting for:
Three things I want to be when I grow up:
Three things I do because they’re good for me and NOT because I like doing them:
Three things I appreciate about my middle child or middle sibling:
Three truths about me:
Three pictures:


Three for Thursday

Three confessions:

1. I hate most church music.

2. I have a fatty liver.

3. Sometimes I like when Joe is out of town because then I don’t have to listen to him snore.

Three things I do to beat the heat:

1. Think about how much I hated Arizona’s heat and that it really truly could be worse.

2. Try to ignore that annoying yet tempting little chunk of my brain that incessantly demands that I ignore my healthy eating goals and forge forth to obtain an icy cold cherry flavored Icee.

3. Ever since the 4th of July weekend I’m hooked on the awesomeness that is the kiddie pool of the local swimming pool.

Three life lessons, super skills, or new tricks I have learned this past month:

1. That the Ark of the Covenant was more than just a golden box full of scary face melting demons on Indiana Jones. It was a container or an ARK (DUH!!) that carried the Ten Commandments. I almost slapped myself for being so dumb.

2. I could welcome and love a fifth baby.

3. How to make a vinaigrette dressing from scratch.

Three things that motivate me to be a better person:

1. Fear.

2. My family.

3. My fatty liver.

Three things I would do if I wasn’t “Mommy”, married, and burdened with cares:

1. Travel anywhere and everywhere. Alone. Carefree. And naked. Just kidding…about the alone part.

2. Maybe actually like the Twilight series.

3. Wish I was “Mommy”, married, and burdened with cares.

Three people I call first:

1. My sisters

2. My mom

3. My trio of bests. (You know who you are)

Three things I changed about my parenting after testing them out on my guinea pig child (first child):

1. I no longer take toys to church.

2. I no longer feed my babies solids before 6 months thanks to experience with allergies and thanks to pure laziness.

3. I no longer apologize for every sound or movement my children make.

Three things that make me cry:

1. Dead buffaloes.
2. Marching bands in parades

3. Disabled people who beat the odds.

Three things I’m going to accomplish before the summer is over:

1. Lose 30 more pounds

2. Organize a few scary areas of my house

3. FINALLY get my picture frames up on the walls

Three pictures:

Elle was terrified of the fireworks this year. Poor kiddo.

Happy 4th of July from all my Red, White, and Silver Linings!

Tee ball season just started. It's going over better than soccer. Jeigh yelled from the field on the first day: "Hey Mom! I actually like this!"
Make sure to write up a 3 for TH of your own and leave your link in the comments below to be eligible for the weekly prize!!


3 for TH Prompt {07 July 2011}

I had every good intention of being here every day since I posted last week.

Umm. About that...

I think I was having too much fun hanging out with the family for a fantastic Fourth of July celebration. (Why did it have to end??) Now I seem too busy playing catch up from that fantastic weekend to be here.

Meh. Oh well. I bet you are all busy being busy too.

If you feel so inclined, here is the prompt for tomorrow's Three for Thursday.

See you tomorrow! Probably most likely maybe so.

Three confessions:

Three things I do to beat the heat:

Three lessons, skills, or new tricks I have learned this past month:

Three things that motivate me to be a better person:

Three things I would do if I wasn’t “Mommy”, married, and burdened with cares:

Three people I call first:

Three things I changed about my parenting after testing them out on my guinea pig child (first child):

Three things that make me cry:

Three things I’m going to accomplish before the summer is over:

Three pictures:

P.S. The winner of last week's 3 for TH threesome prize is...Leah at The Dog's a Boy Too!
Double P.S. A few people pointed out to me that a threesome prize could imply something other than the totally awesome package of three things that Leah is going to be receiving in the mail...
Thanks for ruining my catch phrase for me, ya pervs. ;)
Triple P.S. The ever gracious Sarah at Creating Sarah and the ever ambitious Katy at The House of Estrogen have consented to play co-hostesses with me for the 3 for TH. Each week we are going to take a turn hosting and sending out the--ahem--three-ish (darnit! It just doesn't have the same ring!) prize to the lucky follower/participant/winner. Three times the hostess! Three times the fun!
Sarah? You want to take a stab at this next week???