
Ta-Ta Twenties

Tomorrow is my birthday.

My *gulp* 30th birthday.

I declare that I have yet to settle on how to come to terms with this fact.

Do I handle it gracefully? Do I fight it? Do I act nonchalant? Do I allow myself to grow melancholy?

Probably a bit of everything and more.

Well, ready or not Evelyn...Here comes 30.

Before I let go of my younger years, allow me the chance to reminisce a bit on what I accomplished in the last decade of my life. The list maker in me just couldn't resist.

Twenty Things I Did in My Twenties

1. Learned that you don't know what you have until it's gone.

2. Went to college. Dropped out of college. Went back to college. Dropped out. Went back. Dropped out again. Made plans to go back...someday.

3. Learned how to drive a stick shift...AFTER I bought a car with a manual transmission.

4. Landed my early dream job as an Emergency Department Technician where I worked 5 years of night shifts and saw some of the craziest things I have (or ever will) seen.

5. Lived in the House of Dreams with the most incredible roommates a girl could have.

6. Met and married Joe.

7. Made four pretty babies with Joe.

8. Bought our first house. Sold it only a year and a half later.

9. Moved away from my hometown, just one move in the line of ten moves (seven of those times as a married person).

10. Discovered I was actually not too shabby at playing basketball.

11. Finally learned how to make scrambled eggs the "right" way. Low and slow.

12. Ran the entire 3.2 miles of my first 5K.

13. Started blogging.

14. Received my EMT license.

15. Tried sushi.

16. Worked as a freelance writer.

17. Experienced a miscarriage.

18. Made new friends from all over the United States and beyond.

19. Chopped my hair short. Let it grow. Chopped my hair off again. Let it grow again. Chop. Grow. Chop. Grow. Chop?

20. Learned there is no one "right" way to do something. Except when making scrambled eggs.

Ta-Ta 29.


Mamarazzi said...

The 30s were some great years for me. i finally got comfortable in my own skin, met and married the perfect man for me and became a mom, something i always dreamed of.

you will love the 30s, i promise.

Happy Birthday Evelyn, may it be filled with all things wonderful and wished for!!

Sami said...

There's a "right" way to make scrambled eggs??? I must learn this secret from you!
Here's to being 30, and becoming even more awesome than we already are!

Macey said...

Yeah, I didn't know there was a right way to make those eggs either. Low and slow sound good though.
Hey, I learned how to drive a stick after I BOUGHT one too! :)

{leah} said...

Your twenties were great! Yeah for a new time of life!

Bethany said...

You know, you keep up these good posts and you might just inspire me to get my blogging mojo back. You rock, Evelyn!

And the scrambled eggs? I had no idea. I'll have to try that.

Myya said...

Uggghhh I must stay caught up because look at me I missed your Birthday. Friend Fail!

Welcome to the 30's club. I have found that the older I get the happier & content I am. Life just evolves into what it is supposed to be.

What a great way to take in your 30's... with a list of life changing moments. You have your EMT license? SO COOL!!!

Lisa said...

You're almost 30??? You're so old! ;-) Totally kidding. You are so awesome! And you still look 21! :)

shortmama said...

Your 30s are going to be even more awesome! Swear!

Amy said...

:) Isn't life just fun? All the things you learn as you go on. And I never knew there was a proper way to scramble eggs either. And your college career is the same as mine!


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