1. Because I couldn't think of anything else to write about today.
2. The first conscious memory I have from this morning is hearing my son say the word "thrice". (Kindergartners say "thrice"?)
3. I like lists. Sue me.
Three things I plan to do today:
1. Politely argue with the hospital billing department in Elko, Nevada.
2. Find an excuse to be at Costco during lunch time so I don't have to make peanut butter and honey sandwiches for lunch AGAIN.
3. Watch the latest episode of The Shaytards on YouTube.
Three things I am worried about:
1. The toilet overflowing again while Joe is out of town (Why does it always seem to overflow only when he is gone?! Plunging toilets = man's work)
2. Not meeting my free lance writing quota for the month.
3. That I am not giving each of my children the individual time and attention they need.
Three things I love...besides chocolate, my kids, and Joe:
1. Watching episodes of "The Office" on Netflix
2. The view from my patio (♪I love the mountains! I love the daffodils...♫♪♫♪)
3. The "me too!"s on yesterday's blog post
Three blogs (among the many) that I love to visit:
1. The Rowdy Stroudy's
2. The Organic Enchilada
3. The Great and Random Ramblings of Cannwin
Three pictures:
Three things I picked up off the floor today:
1. Magnetic doll clothes
2. Soggy mini shredded wheat chunks
3. You really don't want to know
Three things I like about myself:
1. I am a loyal friend
2. My eyes
3. My testimony
Three things I learned this last year:
1. How to spell "restaurant" without the help of spell check.
2. Money can and cannot make one happy. (Now doesn't that make perfect sense?)
3. Vasectomies are not 100% effective until a few months after the surgery. (In case anyone was wondering.)
Three things I love about New Town, Utah:
1. Cafe Rio
2. It's only two and a half hours away from Hometown, Idaho.
3. The proximity of several blog buddies soon to be IRL buddies.
Three things I want my husband to know:
1. I'm going to use your gun to take care of a couple of cats outside that are freaking me out right now.
2. I didn't think I could do it, but I got this. (Single parenting. Not shooting cats.)
3. Obvious but true: I love you, ya' big lug.
Three things that make me to want to sit in a corner rocking back and forth:
1. Cancer
2. Jeigh waking up hysterically crying every night at exactly 11 pm. (We never should have let that girl watch Harry Potter.)
Three things I miss:
1. Lana
2. Dr. Pepper
3. My waist circa 2003
Three confessions:
1. I still dream romantic dreams about an ex-boyfriend all the time and I HATE it. I believe he may possibly dabble in voodoo doll magic.
2. I make a concerted effort to not talk about food too much when it comes to my Facebook status updates.
3. It makes me a little angry when people talk about how much our children look like people other than Joe or me.
Three movies I could watch again and again:
1. Dan in Real Life
2. The Matrix
3. The Sound of Music
Three final thoughts:
1. I
3. If you want to do a Three for Thursday too, leave a comment below with your link and I will gladly come read it. Hey! You could even get wild and do Four for Friday! Or Six for Saturday! Or a Million for...well, let's not get too carried away now.
WOW! So many things for me to comment on! I love this idea....
1. Love the Shaytards...I need to watch them
2...I think I should go somewhere for lunch too :)
3. Love the office
4. that Easter picture is soo cute!
5. I also love Cafe Rio and miss it as it is not on the east coast.
6. I've had dreams about ex boyfriends before, except I don't thin romantic...maybe like one...most of the time we're both married and hanging out and it's real uncomfortable in my dreams!LOL Maybe he does have some kind of voodoo doll! LOL
I had a dream before I got married that I was pregnant by one of my ex boyfriends.
I woke up panicked.
I didn't know how to tell Roon that I had been unfaithful.
I think that boyfriend did some voodoo to get me to call off my wedding. He did NOT want me to get married.
LOVE this post, Ev!
I made your blog! I'm so excited! haha I like the 3 for Thursday! I love the bunny ears on all those kids! Oh, and I miss you too... more than ever!
I had so many things to say about this, but then I got to your confession #1. I am so glad you admitted to that because I have been having the same problem for weeks! And I hate it too! What is the deal???
You are cute;)
Try Costa Vida, it's WAY better than Cafe Rio!! Well, IMO.
What a fun post with all of your 3 things. It made me think on each one!
The kids look so cute all sitting together in their bunny ears - gotta love it!!
Dan in Real Life is the bomb.com - great movie!
I'm still slack jawed over the kindergartener saying thrice.
You should do this every week!! :)
What was I gonna say?? I was gonna say something but I can't remember....
Someday I'll find out how to link on the comments. I know how to figure it out, I'm just too lazy to do it right now.
Also, hope to be an IRL friend this summer!
I think this was a fun and thought provoking idea! Great job today.
oh, I enjoyed this. I sat and stared at the overpass picture for a few minutes just enjoying the view of Hometown. =)
If it wasn't so late, I would add my own list. Maybe tomorrow. Some on Saturday? =) I'll let you know.
Breastfreading... :) Love ya!
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