Today's picture only proves that children can see the "playability" in A N Y T H I N G.
Last week we had a conference meeting in my office. This week there is a scheduled training session in the front room. And oh look. Someone has already laid out the class materials.
In other kid funnies...
Yesterday three year old Elle helped me rake up the leaves in our front yard. All summer long the kids would play with the rolly polly bugs that live under the bricks in the front of our house. As Elle searched for them and realized they were gone, she asked where they were. I told her they had probably died with the cold weather.
She sadly agreed and matter-of-factly added: "They should have put their jackets on."
I just couldn't stop giggling from the imagery of little rolly polly bugs sporting jackets.
When six year old Dee came home from school yesterday he had a little confession. He looked down at the bottom edge of his shirt and solemnly said, "I let Jasmine and Alexi touch my little Yoda today."
My eyebrows about raised through the ceiling. "Pardon?!"
Oh. |
Lastly, we are joining in with Sarah at Sarah Dawn Designs for a novel Thanksgiving idea. She is hosting a really fun Thanksgiving Photo Scavenger Hunt and Blog Hop. Make sure to visit her for the details.
We are a little late out of the starting gate, but we finally began searching for things we are grateful for for Family Home Evening last night.
One of the items on the list is "Something I'm grateful for that keeps me healthy and strong". Knowing the kids needed flu boosters yesterday, I tried to make it fun by adding it to our scavenger hunt.
So did the kids catch on to the fun??? You know what they say..."A picture's worth a thousand words".
P.S. I don't think my son knows what "the bird" is yet...but I could be wrong.
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Enjoying her first chocolate covered pretzel. Life is good. |
This post cracks me up from top to bottom. Love it! :)
Does your pedi not do FluMist? My older kids did a little victory dance when they didn't actually have to get stuck... Cee is so dang cute! Miss that baby.
Bahahahahaha! The "class material" cracked me up! I love this post and the whole idea of the meme. =) Such a great way to see the joy amid the sometimes tough times. I needed this today. Thanks.
So very funny! Loved it! Thanks
Ha ha I love those kids! It's great getting on here and seeing what you guys are up to and seeing how much they are growing.I miss them, and so do the girls! I laughed pretty hard at Dee's little Yoda comment. ha ha I would have freaked out if any of my kids came home and said something like that.
Those pictures crack me up!
And. Oh my crap. The class materials. OH!
Love the class materials - that's too funny! Once when Maggie was a baby I was at a Young Women's Meeting at the President's home. Maggie liked playing in my bag and I had no idea she knew how to zip and unzip. She found my secret stash of tampons and had them unwrapped and was sucking on them when I glanced down to see what she was up to! Good thing it was all girls!!:) Our lives would be so boring without kids!!:)
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