Anyone remember playing MASH???
You know...MASH! The elementary school game that foretold your future on paper. Would you live in a Mansion, Apartment, Shack, or House? And with which boy? (And you weren't allowed to pick all cute ones; you had to play fair by throwing in an icky one or two. Karma demands justice after all.) And driving how many kids in what kind of car? This game is thorough. It even predicts what city and what career you will have. Or whatever other things you must know about your future.
Remember now? Do girls still play this?? I sure hope so because guess what... It's true!
Who knew that I actually would end up driving a minivan and living in a shack...
...as a mommy of four kids...Did I just say four?

Yes. Yes I did.
But it's with the love of my life, "Joe"...

So that makes it all okay.
Wanna play?? Find the rules HERE to play it old school or go HERE to play online. BUT be careful! This game is powerful! Are you prepared for the consequences???
P.S. Now do you get why I have been such a delinquent blogger lately???
ARE YOU KIDDING ME!?!?!?!?! YAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I'M SO FREAKIN' EXCITED FOR YOU!!! :-)
I'm sorry, did you just announce a baby via the MASH game?? That is the coolest thing ever! congratulations! And yes, I played, and any shack in France is a-ok with me!
What a great post! Congratulations!! I hope you are feeling well!
YIPPPPEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!!!!!!!!! I am so excited for you!!!
You are totally forgiven for being a bloggy delinquent! Details...NOW. Okay, not THOSE details. Get your mind out of the gutter! When can we expect to meet the new addition to your chaos?
Oh, and I forgot... CONGRATULATIONS!!!
congrats evelyn! even more fun blogging adventures to come!!
congrats evelyn! even more fun blogging adventures to come!!
congrats to you!!! what a fun announcement!! =)
Is there supposed to be life in that ultrasound picture? All I see is TV static... How DO people see anything in those?
And is that really where you live?
I'm a cynic you know. :P
Congratulations! #4 makes life INSANE... but they are super cute and you'll have super helpers.
When are you due?
Okay clearly I don't have my priorities straight.
I'm going to marry Ciarin Hinds (much to old for me, but oh so very handsome as Capt. Wentworth)
I'm going to live with him in Europe (makes sense since that's where he lives)
We will own a nice little apartment... so far so good.
We will have 4 children. Umm, apartment?
A dodge viper... for the six of us.
And apparently I'll be a best selling author who can't spend her money appropriately.
Oh and we're supposedly going to live happily ever after like that.
Congrats again. So glad you finally announced. I absolutely LOVE the pic of you 2!!! It's stinking hilarious! And congrats on living out your MASH dreams... :)
Oh Evelyn! That is fantastic news! congratulations, I pray that all goes well for you! :)
Congrats E!! That is so exciting. Cute way of putting it out there! ;)
Congratulations!!!!! Thats fantastic news. Hope you are well. xxxx
Yay! I'm so excited for you! I actually was suspecting based on a facebook post I saw, but I wasn't going to say anything! Congratulations to you, Joe, and lucky kid number 4!
CONGRATULATIONS!!!!!! Evelyn, that's so exciting!
Congratulations! Four kids makes for a noisy shack, let me tell you! Oh, and fifty points for the coolest way to announce a pregnancy EVER!
I do not know how I completely forgot about the game MASH. I don't even remember the rules. I'm going to have to go look them up. Seriously. I am so lame!
Ohhh Myyyy GOOODNESSS!!! I am soooo excited for you. What wonderful awesome news! YAY!!! Can you tell I am a COMPLETE baby freak??? By the way, yes the girls still play this game. My teen niece was playing it & we all laughed & then played too. Ha! So yes, I too would like some details. When will this wee one make an apperance? Are you one of those awful people that doesn't find out?? Did I say YAY yet. Well... YAY Congratulations!!!
I soooo want one too, I promised hubby I'd wait at least another year. Sigh. :)
Yeah!! for you and your family. children are the best blessing in the world. you are great mom and this baby is so lucky to come to your family!!!!
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